About Reflexology

What is Reflexology

The art of reflexology dates back to Ancient Egypt, China and India where various pressure therapies were practised at least 5000 years ago. In 1913 Dr William Fitzgerald discovered that the reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas within a particular zone in the body. He introduced this therapy to the West and called it Zone Therapy. In the 1930s he taught the Zone Therapy to a massage therapist called Eunice Ingham. She developed the therapy further developing her own routine involving pressure points on the feet.


Reflexology was further developed in the 1930s by Eunice Ingham and was eventually introduced to the UK in the 1960s.Reflexology is a gentle and non-invasive holistic therapy focuses mainly on your feet, but can also be worked on the hands. There are thousands of nerve endings in your feet, providing a key into the workings of the entire body. Manipulating these various reflexes and energy points on your feet may help to eliminate imbalances, reduce tension and congestion.


Why not try it and discover the benefits for yourself

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If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact me:

07739 699 519




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